Top 10 Home Décor Trends to Watch for in 2023

Décor trends are constantly changing — popular themes fade away, and new designs start earning more attention. 

Like the changing seasons, the beginning of a new year is a pivotal time in the interior design world. Homeowners and designers are ready to explore new options and consider what designs have run their course.

Buying online home décor in Canada gives you easy access to the latest décor trends. Maison Concepts always explores the latest trends and adds them to our inventory. So you’ll be ready to embrace the latest décor ideas without bouncing between stores and breaking your budget.

Ready to learn about the latest décor trends for 2023? Keep reading as we explore what’s already gaining momentum for the new year.

1. Luxe Designs

Luxurious designs are already making a solid comeback as homeowners and designers look to improve the sophistication and comfort of their spaces. 

Luxe designs don’t necessarily mean choosing expensive pieces at every opportunity. Instead, the overall mindset is creating timeless and lavish spaces, which doesn’t always mean spending thousands of dollars on an end table.

Every homeowner will have their own tastes and preferences for what feels luxurious, which makes luxe designs vary dramatically between homes. It’s more about the overall perspective of creating lavish spaces rather than a set of colours and materials. 

2. Colour Makes a Comeback

It’s no secret that neutrals have dominated designs for years, but 2023 décor trends might give a resurgence to colourful home décor items. Colourful paints, wallpapers, bedding, and furniture allow homeowners to add more flair and personality to the space. 

The rest of the room may be bathed in neutrals, but a colourful couch creates a stark contrast that can improve the room's overall mood. Bold blues, exciting greens, and eye-catching earth tones let homeowners complement the existing décor powerfully.

3. The Home Becomes a Relaxation Retreat

The past few years have seen people spend more time in their homes, and for many, more than ever before. Now, homeowners want their homes to indeed be a place to relax and unwind rather than simply offering an excellent design and little utility. 

Ultimately, it’s a focus on wellness and function over an exclusive focus on design. For some homeowners, this can be as minor as adding aromatherapy touches to the living room and bedroom. Other homeowners may undergo significant renovations to add a sauna or hot tub to the master bath.

Buying home décor online in Canada allows you to browse relaxation-focused décor items that you may have never considered before. A few small touches can go a long way in improving how you relax in space and its overall design.

Aromatherapy Incense

4. The Return of Closed Floor Plans 

We’ve seen open floor plans gain popularity in homes, restaurants, and offices in the recent decade. While open floor plans won’t likely disappear, there’s renewed interest in closed floor plans.

Closed floor plans play into the above trend of improving relaxation by creating designated spaces for wellness. Additionally, the growing need for creating productivity-focused home offices has made more homeowners embrace creating closed spaces.

You don’t necessarily need to undergo significant renovations to close off spaces. Adding home décor lets you consider creative ways to create more sectioned-off areas. For example, a trifold separator closes off visibility into a space without requiring you to build a new wall.

5. New Natural Materials

Natural materials may never go out of style, but the types of materials will likely continue to change as new trends emerge. 

Wood and metal have long been the preferred natural materials and will remain popular. However, silk, clay, and rattan are becoming the new sought-after materials for various designs. 

These more gentle materials reflect many of the other décor trends of 2023, such as creating relaxation spaces and a stronger emphasis on unique colour options. For example, silk can be found in nearly every possible colour, while clay and rattan are different spins on neutrals.

6. Intentional Asymmetry

Symmetry is a time-honoured way to make anything look pleasing to the eye and can be found in anything from fashion, architecture, and interior design. Yet, the intense focus on symmetry has given rise to a new trend of thoughtfully breaking the mould with asymmetrical designs.

A common way you’ll see the asymmetry is mismatching kitchen and living room furniture. Instead of matching or even complementary colours, designers are playing with the contrast of home décor items that don’t match. For example, painting the coffee table black in a room full of gentle naturals isn’t expected, but it can still look great.

In a modern minimalist living room, you may also see asymmetrical designs combining different overall décor themes, such as a colourful lamp from the 70s. Pulling this off can be challenging, but if done well can add character to the space.

7. Customizable and Intentional Lighting

Lighting will always be part of interior design that continually influences home décor trends. One of the latest trends in lighting is exploring new modern lights that give you more control and creativity over the lighting in any room. 

The rise of smart home devices has contributed significantly to this trend. For example, homeowners can now adjust the colour and brightness of a room’s lighting from their smartphone to adjust the look and feel as needed.

Shop bulk home décor items to discover how you can upgrade every room in your home or office with unique and intentional lighting.

Modern Lighting

8. The New Home Office

Some people have returned to working in the office, while others have become hybrid or remote workers. As a result, improving the home office is now a significant 2023 design trend still gaining momentum.

Enhancing the home office isn’t just about improving utility but creating an individualized space ideally suited to your tastes. Remote and hybrid workers are settling in and discovering how they make the home office a great area to spend their workdays, rather than a simple desk in an all-white room.

Explore home décor bulk options to discover how to make your home office another room you enjoy spending time in. Don’t limit yourself to office décor, but anything that will make your office more productive and enjoyable. 

9.  More Attention Outdoor Living

Putting your backyard or patio to use has exploded in popularity recently, and this trend isn’t slowing down. Decorating and enhancing your outdoor space creates a new area to spend time, relax, or host company.

You don’t necessarily need to invest in a significant renovation. However, buying some patio furniture and waterproof outdoor cushions will go a long way in letting you enjoy your outdoor areas.

Waterproof Cushions

10. Ceilings Get a Makeover

Ceilings haven’t always been ignored, but 2023 might be the year they get more attention as a way to enhance a room’s overall design.

Enhancing the ceiling with wallpaper or bold paint colours will significantly change the feel of any given space. For example, a generally neutral design with floral ceiling wallpaper creates a stark yet pleasing contrast.

Shop Maison Concepts for Your 2023 Décor

Home décor never sits still, so Maison Concepts is constantly exploring the latest trends, so we always have the perfect piece for your new design. We've covered you whether you’re looking for durable outdoor furniture or custom lighting.

Explore our wide selection of options ready to redesign or enhance every room in your home. Shop now to embrace these new décor trends for 2023.